Love More
A licensed therapist’s reflections and musings for queer, trans, and other LGBTQIA2S+ folx (and those who love them).
Serving BDSM Clients Part 1: Why All Relational Counselors Should Become Kink-Aware
many counselors like sex therapists and relational counselors are not adequately prepared to work with kinky clients. They also may be actively pathologizing kink. Even if a counselor or therapist is open to working with BDSM clients, the willingness to work with this population is not sufficient to ensure we are doing so in a safe and ethical way. Relational counselors must take our practice one step further and become kink-aware.
Part Three: What Mental Health Professionals Can Do to Help Clients Heal from Domestic Violence
As mental health professionals, especially if we work with couples and families, we are bound to come across clients who are experiencing or have experienced abuse. It is incredibly important for people in our field of work to have at least some basic training in working with these types of clients. Unfortunately, the basics are often left out of graduate school curricula. Read on to learn how we can help our clients who may have experienced abuse.