
Being a human is as difficult as it is wondrous. Sometimes it takes more than therapy to hold it all together. I’ve gathered some resources for you that may help you and your communities be able to help fill in the gaps of community care.

Your identities.

  • The Body Liberation Guide

    The full guide for those seeking body justice and body/fat liberation. For those seeking to unlearn anti-fat bias, weight stigma, and diet culture. Specially curated by me through experience, recommendations, and research.

    These materials can be both challenging/triggering and eye-opening/liberating. If you are on your body liberation journey, I encourage you not to do it alone. Gather a community around yourself that supports your journey.

  • Resources for LGBTQIA2S+ Folx and Their Loved Ones

    ONLY AVAILABLE BY REQUEST: This list of resources is for you if you are already a member of the LGBTQIA+ community; questioning your sexuality and/or gender; an ally who wants to learn more; and parents of queer, trans, and questioning kids. You are not alone! So many resources exist for those who are looking for more education and like minds.

    This list has non-fiction and fiction book recommendations, research articles, national and local advocacy organizations. Summaries in laws that affect us will be included soon.

    Click below to contact Beth for the list of resources.

Your healing.

  • Trauma Services and Resources in Central Texas

    Have you or a loved one experienced sexual assault/abuse, intimate partner violence, childhood abuse, and/or other traumatic experiences? Are you looking for free and low-cost help? This list of resources includes shelters, free and/or low-cost limited counseling services, Veteran’s Affairs services, and more.

  • Queer and Trans Services in Texas

    ONLY AVAILABLE BY REQUEST: Are you looking for healthcare, low-cost therapy services, or gender-affirming haircuts? This guide is a curated list of providers and services that come recommended by me and/or other LGBTQIA2S+ providers and organizations in Central Texas. This list also includes links to many of the other wonderful curated lists for queer and trans folx in the area. It is a living document, so if you see a service or provider that should be on this list, but isn’t, feel free to reach out through my contact form.

    Click the link below to receive the list and/or suggest an addition.